the life tropical

biologist living on a Caribbean island with one husband, one child, and one dog

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Taking a stroll ....

Supermom is on vacation ... I guess my little daughter is stuck with regular mom for the duration. I'm pretty sure I could do better at all this mom stuff if I could only get Isome exercise. I used to go for a long walk every day. Even when I was pregnant and sick as a dog I still walked most days. After the baby was born I carried her on a walk nearly every day for 18 months.

My daughter now refuses to be carried. She responds to carrying with wiggling, squirming, whining, and "no,no,no!". She wants to walk, and she can walk surprising far and fast for someone her age. She walked a full two miles at a walk-a-thon two weeks ago. Unfortunately, she has a completely different idea of the purpose of a walk than I have. My little darling wants to watch every millipede cross the road and to explore every tall grass jungles alongside the road. She wants to collect every stray rock and tropical fruit along our route. Sometimes she just wants to squat unmoving for several minutes at a time. Every snail merits individual examination. In short, every step of her journey is a learning experience.

While I admire H's agility with deep knee bends, my energy level is slipping. H's development is a wondrous process to observe, but lack of exercise is fogging my brain. It's amazing to walk hand in hand with my daughter, but now I have a dilemma. How can I fit in more exercise without losing any of the precious minutes I spend with H?